As you all know, 24th of July can only mean one thing: the release of the long awaited ANGEL MAGISTER game. Oh and some other stuff too.
Suprisingly, it arrived today. I was expecting it to be sometime next week, but given that it got leaked onto the internet a few days ago, it makes sense...which brings me onto my next point...
I couldn't play the game. That's right, despite paying out good money for a slice of mana goodness, my OS was simply not Japanese enough to play the game. This isn't regional settings either, it does a deeper system check to tell if you're on a Japanese OS or not.
Thankfully however I was not as worried as I would have been, because I figured if I couldn't play it, that means that the downloaders can't either, so they would come up with a crack for it (or at least I really hoped). Thankfully I was right, and I had to use a crack on a game I brought with my own money to play...crazy.
However I am glad it worked, but I will take notice that I won't be buying mana/visualarts games anytime soon without checking beforehand, not until I upgrade to a Japanese OS (May wait for Windows 7 to be established, and then buy a laptop online from dospara.jp) anyway.
Make sure you watch out for this before you purchase a game. I was lucky enough with the crack, but maybe you will choose a rare title where it is not supported. Check with the downloaders or the store you are buying from first to determine if there are any restrictions in place.
Anyway, onto Angel Magister...I don't want to give too much away because I have a review coming soon, but so far I am very impressed.
Remember, Kurenainotsuki and 終わりなき夏 永遠なる音律 (endless summer) are also out today. There may well be an 'endless summer' review soon after Angel Magister and Stellar Theater. And don't forget, it's Mechamimi, NatsuymexNagisa, 77 release time in a week (77 is next thursday, not friday). I'm really gonna see what I can do to get all of these three, particularly Mecha Mimi.
In the meantime, while you wait for my review, here's Nagi dressed as a nurse!

As you all know, 24th of July can only mean one thing: the release of the long awaited ANGEL MAGISTER game. Oh and some other stuff too.
Suprisingly, it arrived today. I was expecting it to be sometime next week, but given that it got leaked onto the internet a few days ago, it makes sense...which brings me onto my next point...
I couldn't play the game. That's right, despite paying out good money for a slice of mana goodness, my OS was simply not Japanese enough to play the game. This isn't regional settings either, it does a deeper system check to tell if you're on a Japanese OS or not.
Thankfully however I was not as worried as I would have been, because I figured if I couldn't play it, that means that the downloaders can't either, so they would come up with a crack for it (or at least I really hoped). Thankfully I was right, and I had to use a crack on a game I brought with my own money to play...crazy.
However I am glad it worked, but I will take notice that I won't be buying mana/visualarts games anytime soon without checking beforehand, not until I upgrade to a Japanese OS (May wait for Windows 7 to be established, and then buy a laptop online from dospara.jp) anyway.
Make sure you watch out for this before you purchase a game. I was lucky enough with the crack, but maybe you will choose a rare title where it is not supported. Check with the downloaders or the store you are buying from first to determine if there are any restrictions in place.
Anyway, onto Angel Magister...I don't want to give too much away because I have a review coming soon, but so far I am very impressed.
Remember, Kurenainotsuki and 終わりなき夏 永遠なる音律 (endless summer) are also out today. There may well be an 'endless summer' review soon after Angel Magister and Stellar Theater. And don't forget, it's Mechamimi, NatsuymexNagisa, 77 release time in a week (77 is next thursday, not friday). I'm really gonna see what I can do to get all of these three, particularly Mecha Mimi.
In the meantime, while you wait for my review, here's Nagi dressed as a nurse!

Can you share what you used to make it work? I'd love to play this game too, but I can't really find anything that works. :\