I'm honestly not sure how long this has been out now, because I just stumbled across it randomly a few days ago, but I'm sure it is this year some time. Simply stated, Lanovee (らのべえ)is a visual novel creator, allowing the user to create professional looking Visual Novels simply by using the mouse. No need for coding or expensive animation software.

Creating scenatios, selecting animation sprites and other tasks are made easy with a minimalistic interface.
This is a big mystery for me because I knew nothing about it until a few days ago, but it certainly has some interesting features such as 『萌えボイスシステム』 or "Moe Voice System". I'm not sure how this works but I think it is through the use of samples or pre-recorded phonetic sounds. Either way, I don't think it'll be anything vocaloid-like which is good.
I'm really shocked at how simple and easy to use the interface is, it couldn't be more self-explanatory if it tried. At first, I thought 'Hm, that's interesting' but I think I may try and get this and maybe write a review about it, but don't count on it 100%
You can get more information at the official site. I hope to get more information about this soon, because it truely looks very interesting, the closest I heard about this was Ren'py, which is a visual novel creation engine in the Python programming language.
Here is the promotional video, with music from Cutie Pai. The song is 「小っちゃな翼」 or "Tiny Wings"
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