Okay, so I made a bunch of posts today and I want to close todays bunch off with a few words plus some stuff I didn't want to make separate blog entries for...

Okay, so I made a bunch of posts today and I want to close todays bunch off with a few words plus some stuff I didn't want to make separate blog entries for...
- Firstly, banner still not done. I'm not going to give up, but it would be a lie to say I'm working on getting it done. It will get done one day.
- You might have noticed at the side of the page and at the bottom there are banners promoting various Bishoujo Games and other related items. These are not ads, just banners gotten from the official website to show support. Nothing special will happen when you click them other than going to their homepage. I still refuse to put ads up.
- The 'anti-foreign' eroge battle rages on, and now I'm beginning to feel it too. You may remember in this post I mentioned that minori.ph (Official Minori website) was blocked outside of Japan because of foreign protests towards eroge. Well there has been yet another update, which I think has been taken down now, but there is a debate between some english language websites and minori. I don't want to make an arguement, but I will say that I suppose the fact that minori.ph is listening is good because maybe this can get talked over some how.
- In related news, I started playing りんかねーしょん☆新撰組っ! the other day, only to lost my save data ( orz ) I took some screenshots as I was going to write a review, but in all honesty, the game was not that great and I didn't feel like getting my old save data back. However the art is incredibly cute, so I'll leave you with a few images from the beginning of the game and if you feel inclined to get the game, feel free to do so. But remember I'm not the only person to give it a bad review.

"Chrisanthumum Kimono" won't let you go that easily, despite your situation.
Okay, so a forgetful main character isn't the most original thing ever..
Yep, the game is actually heavily centred around taxes (Joking)

The taxes thing suprised me too, there is such a thing as being almost too descriptive, and then there's a lesson in economy.
- Anime 'round up': New Haruhi: not that great, not to mention I think I have bigger Deja Vu than Kyon after seeing Endless 8 for what seems like the 15499th time. CANAAN: Not bad, NEEDLESS: Not bad, Juuden-chan: ...could be better. Tears to Tiara: Still good, thank you Leaf!
- Apparently, MOSAIC.WAV have a new self cover album on the way featuring 初音 ミク that's right, Hatsune Miku herself. Read more about it here.
- おまかせ! とらぶる天使 is currently in top position of the galge.com game award 2009
- Key's Angel Beats anime and Strike Witches season 2 anime draws closer as we progress through the year, やった!
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