Update Time Again! Changes were made!

Thursday, 16 July 2009 at 02:04

Okay, if you've ever been here before you'll be thinking 'Wow that's new', because a lot of changes have been made. I'm gonna run through them...

Firstly: BANNER!!! Finding the Blue has a new banner! And it's all down to Chief Director of Art and Design: Krit. I absolutely love it. Thanks a lot! You may be seeing more from him both in design and content, as he's a big fan of Key/Visual Arts. Nothing is certain yet.

Secondly: The background is different. It's much more plain than before, but I do intend on getting it changed to something better.

Next: Possibly the biggest change of all is the fact that the blog now has 3 columns instead of 2. It may look like I've just put some banners on the left hand side, but it took a fair amount of tweaking the xml to get everything to my preferences. I did it basically so that there was not so much wasted space and that it was nice and cosy feeling.

The banners: Please note, this is not a shameless advertising attempt. I am not affilliated with these companies and their games, and I get no money for displaying them, it's just down to the love of it. It goes a bit like this:

Banners on the left - New games that have been released anything up to a month (at the MOST) or upcoming games. The rule here is simple, you see a banner you like the look of, you click it, you go to the official website to find out more. In many cases I'll cover the games in the blog anyway, but if you feel that a game is particularly great and I haven't covered it or shown signs that I'm going to do so, then let me know! I'll be glad to try it out and give it a feature.

Banners on the right - Old games. These banners are for older games that can be anything from a month to years old, they're some of my favorites (although finding banners for a number of my favorites has been difficult orz) and is basically like me saying 'I enjoyed these, why not give them a try?'.

Recommended sites: These are simply a bunch of websites, each varying in [related] content. They're mainly reserved for real professional websites and companies, and they aren't affiliates by any means, although if there is enough interest I may have a section for some of my favorite 'community' websites and blogs.

Anyway, the small 150px wide links on the right vary from figure companies to online stores to anything within the scope of this blog really. If you don't recognise a link, click it! You may find a great website you didn't know of before.

As for the square icons at the bottom...no comment, except I thought they made the blog much cuter and filled some boring blank space.

Coming soon, I'll post a review of Stellar☆Theater, which I'm playing through at the moment. As for after that; well there are a bunch of releases coming up, I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

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