That's right. "My wife is a Dakimakura". I'm sure most of us are familiar with the feeling.
If you've been watching the banners on the left tentatively (If this is the case then I thank you for your dedication to Finding The Blue!) you may have noticed that a banner for Tactics * Latte's latest game 「だっこしてぎゅっ!~オレの嫁は抱き枕~」 has appeared. You may know that it's rare for me to preview games, but I make an exception for games that really take my interest. This is one of those games and here's a quick preview of it.
This is the first game for Tactics * Latte and marks a promising beginning for their games in the future. Tactics has always been a strange company for me; I was never bothered about their original Tactics games, but the Latte branch has suddenly brought my attention to their games. I'm a big fan of Dakimakura so this game naturally appeals to me in a similar way that Figu@Mate did for me.
Dakko is about a guy named Yuya. Yuya goes to school as a normal guy, but he absolutely loves Dakimakura, he is a 抱き枕er (A collector of dakimakura) and is surrounded in them when he goes home. His life is like heaven.
One day, in the school corridor he hears the voice of a girl. She is the boss of the Pillow Research Club and she asks him for a favour. Her name is Tobari and she's holding a dakimakura of a beautiful girl. Yuya is of course excited by the sheer sight of a dakimakura and asks if he can have it, Tobari accepts...but only on the condition that Yuya will accept her offer.
The Dakimakura Tobari is holding is not any normal dakimakura, it is a special dakimakura that when you sleep with it, you will meet the girl on it in your dreams. The girl on the dakimakura is called Akari, and Tobari's condition is that Yuya must sleep with the Dakimakura, visit Akari in the dream world, fall in love with her and help raise her mind via the dream world.
Of course Yuya doesn't believe a word of it, but takes the dakimakura anyway with the intention of sleeping with it. That night, Yuya sleeps with the dakimakura...and discovers that the dream world really exists..
Okay, so it sounds tacky, corny and predictable, but I can't resist its charm.
The demo movie is amazingly cute and I love the OP, which by the way if you want to sing a long to at home, tactics latte have been kind enough to provide us with lyrics:
お日様いっぱい浴びて Monday (Monday!!)
折り目きっちり整え Tuesday (Tuesday!!)
朝から晩まで ドキドキ (゜∀゜)ノキュンキュン!!
ハート七色 Everyday (゜∀゜)ノハイハイ!!
今日はどの娘にしよっかなんて (なんて!)
にっこりまったり笑顔で悩んじゃって (じゃって!)
今夜も気付かないふり ねえ……? (ね~え?)
あなたの寝顔 見つめるたび
夢見るだけじゃしょうがないね (そうだよねぇ……)
恋する乙女は 総High Tension (Tention!!)
恐れちゃいけない Reflection (Reflection!!)
そう Motion Action Communication (Motion Action Communication!!)
絶対絶命 Nonfiction (Nonfiction!!)
全身全霊全力全開 叶えちゃうんだから
そう……負けない! (う~~~~Let's go!!)
そっと GoodなKissで目覚めさせて (≧∀≦)ノフッフー!!
ねえ 我愛 need you, still (Love×4 only one!!)
もっと KitschなTrickで絡ませて (≧∀≦)ノフッフー!!
もう あふれちゃう
朝までずっと だっこしてぎゅっ! (だっこしてぎゅっ!)
いつでももっと だっこしてぎゅっ! (だっこしてぎゅっ!)
おやすみ前に だっこしてぎゅっ! (だっこしてぎゅっ!)
生まれたまんま だっこしてぎゅっ! (だっこしてぎゅっ!)
朝までずっと だっこして (だっこして)
いつでももっと だっこして (だっこして)
千年先も だっこして (だっこして)
空前絶後 だっこして (だっこして)
朝まで いつでも 千年 万年 (だっこだっこ だっこだっこ)
昨日も 明日も 永遠 絶対 (だっこだっこ だっこだっこ)
水金地火木土天海冥 (だっこだっこだっこ……)
あ・い・し・て・る (あ・い・し・て・る)
だっこしてぎゅっ! (だっこしてぎゅっ!)
Some of the characters caught my eye too. I love Tobari and I hope she has a route, and I also love Makurako too. They're the first two in the following pictures & CGs (Tobari first).

Dakko is set for release for the 18th of September and of course I will be featuring it in the September calendar. Let's hope it's as good as it looks.
EDIT: Here's something cool, if you have flash enabled you can check out this embedded device:
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