A few days ago a new competitor in the Bishoujo Game market debuted named "Armonica" with their first game SkyPrythem 〜あしたの天使〜 or SkyPrythem ~Angel of Tomorrow~ (Or 'Tomorrow's Angel').
Their site has just gone live a few days ago and can be found here it's obviously only populated with a sparse amount of SkyPrythem content such as character profiles, staff, spec, story and diary. No downloads, specials or sample CGs just yet, but with the game set for release in fall 2009, I'd imagine it won't be long before we see more.
Apparently the story is a tale of love at a music campus at a generic academy somewhere. With the goal being the music festival. The setup is standard; many girls each with their own musical instrument and so on. Although I can't help but wonder if the success of K-On! has anything to do with the underlying music theme, but maybe I am being too skeptical.
Either way, the main point here is that Armonica is a new face on the market, which is always good to see, and I hope that SkyPrythem is an excellent debut title for them.
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