This figure is a bit more relevant than normal to this blog, why? Because the name Finding the Blue comes from the Chaos;Head game OP (Titled Find the Blue). I wasn't THAT blown away by the game, but it's nice to report something with additional relevance.

In the Chaos;Head anime, Seira is a fictional character from the (also fictional) anime "Blood Tunes the Animation" that Takumi [Protagonist] loves. If you paid a lot of attention to Chaos;Head, you're probably thinking the same as me: "Is it the awakened edition?" My answer is no, the awakened edition was trampled in Shibuya's スクランブル交差点 and the figure had a standing pose I think :P
Oh yeah, the series also covers the topic of 2D delusions. Kind of familiar for me and others I'm sure.

Castoff in 5...4...3...2...1

But she's still covered up! Orchid Seed really have been cruel on this one. Still, it saves me the trouble of censoring it myself. Seira will be available for your shelves this December (About a year since Chaos;Head the anime started I think). Thanks to OrchidSeed for the images. I was going to do a comparison of 3 up and coming eroge companies today, but instead I got distracted by this so I'll do it tomorrow.
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