It's that time of month again! As you know, the trend with eroge releases is that they tend to be release at the end of each month, and as expected there are times when they all fall on the same day. Although I'm not that impressed with this month's lineup, this friday marks the simultaneous release of a number of games. Let's have a quick recap:

&LOVE shows the return of the cute, naive robot character I haven't seen since Chobits and the first ToHeart (Although Multi can't be compared to the others I think). COMET did an online public Q&A session with the characters (Mainly Miru) where you basically ask them a question, and they answer it.
Last time I checked, somebody asked a question something like "If you won lots of money, what would you spend it on?" to which Miru listed a bunch of hardware upgrades. It made me laugh and I think it gives the characters some depth. Glad to see the ratio of 萌え:パソコン has been kept even!

@Honey Coming Royal Sweet just seems to be an expansion of the original Honey Coming. I never followed the series so I've got nothing to say about this really apart from the fact that there are fans out there who are eagerly awaiting this. Good luck to you!

Mazo Love. Well, every now and again we see the emergence of a game starring a recluse or a loser as the main character, unfortunately these games seem to spiral down into the dark world of train molestation and pregnancy fetishes fairly quickly, and actually I think Mazo Love will go in a similar direction.
Why? Because there is a nurse as one of the main characters. It seems drastic but Nurses add an element of such obvious perversion to a franchise that it's basically a lost cause from then onwards. Except Komugi-chan; she's a magical nurse. There's a difference.

Memoria. A Purple Software game similar to other Purple Software games that will result in an equally dull fanbook. I appreciate the hard work and talent involved in making a game like this, but I think that there needs to be an influx of new ideas in the Purple Software offices. This one is a big miss for me.

Mimi wo sumaseba. I don't think I'm really very interested in this game, but considering we are in summer, this is one of the only true summer games this month. Also it doesn't look too bad from a quality standpoint. But for me the characters did not attract me enough to want to spend time on a deserted island with them.

(There's always one that doesn't have a horizontal banner...)
Finally, Time Leap Paradise. Something a bit different on the market this month (I always say that when I talk about it). If you liked dancexmixer (And judging by the sheer number of unique hits per day my post on it seems to get, you clearly do like it.) and you love eroge, then this is for you. In my opinion though, I think the dance part will be watered down, as will the visual novel part.
If you're wondering where Ai☆Kyan is, then I decided that it's not worth the time. The art isn't bad and it's colourful, but it lacks originality and depth. I'm not even gonna bother myself with it.
So, who would have guessed that the most exciting game this month was &LOVE? Maybe it was the Comiket 76 propaganda, the Q&A session or even POP signing a standing poster.
I was going to write a bit about what you could spend your money on this friday instead, but it seems that other areas are kind of dry too. Just collect any of those 'I've been meaning to get that' merchandise I guess. Or save up for September, which looks much more promising for Bishoujo Games.
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