OK so like the comic suggests, I don't want to turn this into another "I'm sorry I haven't posted much" post. So I'll just continue to post what's been happening lately in terms of music, anime, eroge and so on.
OK so it's been Winter season in anime, I said I was going to post about them but I never did. Maybe I can still do episode updates if it's not too late, here is what I think of series so far:
Ladies vs Butlers
I thought this was going to be really good but I watched it and I think the fanservice is too much. It seemed really predictable and I didn't like it. I heard the manga is really good but I think that the anime does not live up to it.
Following? No
This is the new anime made by the creators of Baccano! and it's pretty good. When you think about it, the plot is really basic; boy moves into the city, meets his friend from a long time ago who tells him about the city and about an urban legend. It's really simple but it's pulled off very effectively.
Following? Yes
This is probably my favorite anime this season! The plot is really silly and should be even worse than Ladies vs Butlers but for some reason it's really adorable! Nayu is SO cute I just can't bear it any longer! I need to spam pictures right now:
Dance in the Vampire Bund
The first episode of this seemed really slow but it's a very accurate depiction of Japanese reality TV. Sometimes it seems very depressingly staged and fake. I think that's the same anywhere though. I had high hopes about this but I don't think it's going to deliver.
Following?: Maybe
This was based on a Visual Novel but I never played it before. It actually looks really interesting and thrilling, I just hope that they don't mess it up.
Following?: Yes
Seikon no Qwasar
I think this is really bad. I watched the first episode and it just seems silly, I don't get it at all. It seems like a parody of so many series but there's no jokes.
Following?: No
OK it's not a series but I just had to add it anyway. This is a really good eroanime! It seems strange to say that but I haven't seen anything with a mildly interesting storyline since a few years ago. I want to read the manga now.
Following?: N/A
This is really funny, one of the funnier series I've seen lately. It's amusing but slightly strange, also the fact that it's set almost entirely in class so far is a bit off-putting. Maybe I'm too used to slice of life.
Following?: Yes
Heartcatch Precure
Precure!! That's all I have to say there.
Following?: Yes
Sora no Woto
Do you like K-ON! ? Do you like the military? I don't really like either so this wasn't for me. It just didn't catch my interest.
Omamori Himari
I couldn't watch this, it looked like it might of had promise but it's a bit like ice cream and curry: I love them both, but I would never eat them together. In this case, everyone loves swords, fanservice, school life, childhood friends and cleavage, but putting them together just doesn't work. I think this is why we have variety.
Kaito Reinya
Food commercial or anime? It's not really an anime because it's so short. Maybe I'll watch it if I see it.
I just realised it's 2010 and I didn't say it already in this post. Happy New Year! Music this year has been really good. I'm a big trance fan but I've also been getting into House and Electro House a lot more. There is also some interesting stuff from EXIT TRANCE this year too...

Speaking of Trance, EXIT TUNES have announced a number of CDs. I've lost a lot of faith in them, because since EXIT TRANCE BEST ANIME 6 the quality has really dropped I think. UmaUma series has stayed consistant, which is good. BGM is also really good too.
I really like 電波 music and I love trance, so could EXIT TRANCE PRESENTS DENPA TRANCE be a match made in heaven? I personally don't think so, but I'll still get it just to see what it sounds like.
ANIME MOVIE TRANCE 2 just got released recently too, it's just OK, but I think that there is only so much you can squeeze out of anime movie soundtracks.
Onto something completely different, I've really been liking house music lately and particularly the House Nation series.
I really like 電波 music and I love trance, so could EXIT TRANCE PRESENTS DENPA TRANCE be a match made in heaven? I personally don't think so, but I'll still get it just to see what it sounds like.
ANIME MOVIE TRANCE 2 just got released recently too, it's just OK, but I think that there is only so much you can squeeze out of anime movie soundtracks.
Onto something completely different, I've really been liking house music lately and particularly the House Nation series.
Moving away from electronic music, Larc~En~Ciel have a new single that will be released on the 27th of January; it's called "BLESS" and I really like it, I prefer their slower songs.
You want something darker? Gothic? OK...
Visual-Kei/Symphonic Metal band Versailles have a new album out titled "JUBILEE" and it sounds pretty good so far, I haven't got it though yet.
Visual-Kei/Symphonic Metal band Versailles have a new album out titled "JUBILEE" and it sounds pretty good so far, I haven't got it though yet.
I really like the sound of 愛と哀しみのノクターン, Reminiscence and Catharsis.
RIP Jasmine You
In other news I'm still waiting for another album from Round Table feat Nino and Genki Rockets.
Other Stuff
Bing have been doing a promotion for system voices for both Vista and Windows 7. Currently I'm using Nana and she panicks whenever something doesn't compile in Visual C#. The voices are free to download! Go crazy with them!
She doesn't know much about computers but she keeps me company. DON~!
2010 is apparently the year of augmented reality. I guess I should get a better mobile device to get the most from it. But I can't help be reminded of something...
RIP Jasmine You
In other news I'm still waiting for another album from Round Table feat Nino and Genki Rockets.
Other Stuff
Bing have been doing a promotion for system voices for both Vista and Windows 7. Currently I'm using Nana and she panicks whenever something doesn't compile in Visual C#. The voices are free to download! Go crazy with them!

2010 is apparently the year of augmented reality. I guess I should get a better mobile device to get the most from it. But I can't help be reminded of something...
In dakimakura news, here's what I have my eyes on at the moment:

Not as many as I thought actually. Oh well.
I still haven't played eroge in such a long time. Remember Angel Magister? I never did finish the review. Nothing has really grabbed my attention lately, only a couple of fandisks. Oh and Cross Days still hasn't been released. Will it ever come out?
There is so much hype over the new Nanoha movie. I will watch it for sure.
OK so I haven't been very active lately, that's true. However I am wondering if I should change blogging platform to FC2, Wordpress or livedoor or something. Simply, the blogger interface is horrible. If you want to put any kind of formatting or anything in your post, you will get more span tags and so on in the HTML code than ever before. Which means that nothing is nested correctly and I have to use Notepad++ to check which span tag matches up where (Syntax Highlighting) and it's too much work. Does anyone have any bloggin platforms to recommend? Wordpress has the feature to import posts from blogger so maybe we don't have to lose everything, which is good. But maybe a fresh start is preferable?
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