This October, CMs Corp will be releasing two Da Capo II: Second Season figures.
※PLEASE NOTE: These are two separate figures with their own pricetag. I'm not kidding...
Asakura Otome ( 朝倉音姫 ) and Yukimura Anzu ( 雪村杏 ) will both come with a pricetag of 3800円 EACH. With Anzu being approximately 15cm and Asakura being a bit taller at approximately 16cm. Please Click 'Read More' for more information.
Okay, so basically. What can I say about these two? Well, personally I'm not enough of a Da Capo II fan to get these, but I think maybe CMs Corp. are pushing their luck. The ToHeart Trading Figures were one thing, but the original ToHeart is a rare series for figures..

As you can see, they aren't the greatest of quality. I'd expect something like this to be in Dengeki Gs as a free gift, not a paid-for PVC. If you are a die-hard fan, by all means get it. But otherwise, what is the point?
Anyway, photo credit goes to HOBBY STOCK
On the upside, if you haven't been keeping track of the Twitter feed. You'll be pleased to know that I should have a HimexHime demo review for you by tomorrow! Enjoy.
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