We Have Moved!!
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[FIGURE] Kurusugawa Serika (来栖川 芹香) 1/8 PVC by KOTOBUKIYA
Wow, I had no idea I would be doing another post so soon! But over at NekoMagic I've just seen something really nice. I said I wouldn't do figures anymore but...I don't care, this is too important!
Kotobukiya announced on their blog (But they removed it for some reason) that Kurusugawa is getting her own figure! As you probably know by now, I love the original ToHeart and it makes me so happy too see more figures from there, because compared to ToHeart 2, it's not an even balance.
Anyway, release date and price have not been announced yet, but I don't mind. As long as I get it!

As you can see she comes with a removable hat and robe, I wonder if the book is permenantly in her hand.
I don't know what else to say because there isn't much info at this point, but I can't wait!
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A Roundup of What's Been Going on Lately
OK so like the comic suggests, I don't want to turn this into another "I'm sorry I haven't posted much" post. So I'll just continue to post what's been happening lately in terms of music, anime, eroge and so on.
OK so it's been Winter season in anime, I said I was going to post about them but I never did. Maybe I can still do episode updates if it's not too late, here is what I think of series so far:
Ladies vs Butlers
I thought this was going to be really good but I watched it and I think the fanservice is too much. It seemed really predictable and I didn't like it. I heard the manga is really good but I think that the anime does not live up to it.
Following? No
This is the new anime made by the creators of Baccano! and it's pretty good. When you think about it, the plot is really basic; boy moves into the city, meets his friend from a long time ago who tells him about the city and about an urban legend. It's really simple but it's pulled off very effectively.
Following? Yes
This is probably my favorite anime this season! The plot is really silly and should be even worse than Ladies vs Butlers but for some reason it's really adorable! Nayu is SO cute I just can't bear it any longer! I need to spam pictures right now:
Dance in the Vampire Bund
The first episode of this seemed really slow but it's a very accurate depiction of Japanese reality TV. Sometimes it seems very depressingly staged and fake. I think that's the same anywhere though. I had high hopes about this but I don't think it's going to deliver.
Following?: Maybe
This was based on a Visual Novel but I never played it before. It actually looks really interesting and thrilling, I just hope that they don't mess it up.
Following?: Yes
Seikon no Qwasar
I think this is really bad. I watched the first episode and it just seems silly, I don't get it at all. It seems like a parody of so many series but there's no jokes.
Following?: No
OK it's not a series but I just had to add it anyway. This is a really good eroanime! It seems strange to say that but I haven't seen anything with a mildly interesting storyline since a few years ago. I want to read the manga now.
Following?: N/A
This is really funny, one of the funnier series I've seen lately. It's amusing but slightly strange, also the fact that it's set almost entirely in class so far is a bit off-putting. Maybe I'm too used to slice of life.
Following?: Yes
Heartcatch Precure
Precure!! That's all I have to say there.
Following?: Yes
Sora no Woto
Do you like K-ON! ? Do you like the military? I don't really like either so this wasn't for me. It just didn't catch my interest.
Omamori Himari
I couldn't watch this, it looked like it might of had promise but it's a bit like ice cream and curry: I love them both, but I would never eat them together. In this case, everyone loves swords, fanservice, school life, childhood friends and cleavage, but putting them together just doesn't work. I think this is why we have variety.
Kaito Reinya
Food commercial or anime? It's not really an anime because it's so short. Maybe I'll watch it if I see it.
I just realised it's 2010 and I didn't say it already in this post. Happy New Year! Music this year has been really good. I'm a big trance fan but I've also been getting into House and Electro House a lot more. There is also some interesting stuff from EXIT TRANCE this year too...

I really like 電波 music and I love trance, so could EXIT TRANCE PRESENTS DENPA TRANCE be a match made in heaven? I personally don't think so, but I'll still get it just to see what it sounds like.
ANIME MOVIE TRANCE 2 just got released recently too, it's just OK, but I think that there is only so much you can squeeze out of anime movie soundtracks.
Onto something completely different, I've really been liking house music lately and particularly the House Nation series.
Visual-Kei/Symphonic Metal band Versailles have a new album out titled "JUBILEE" and it sounds pretty good so far, I haven't got it though yet.
RIP Jasmine You
In other news I'm still waiting for another album from Round Table feat Nino and Genki Rockets.
Other Stuff
Bing have been doing a promotion for system voices for both Vista and Windows 7. Currently I'm using Nana and she panicks whenever something doesn't compile in Visual C#. The voices are free to download! Go crazy with them!

2010 is apparently the year of augmented reality. I guess I should get a better mobile device to get the most from it. But I can't help be reminded of something...
In dakimakura news, here's what I have my eyes on at the moment:

Not as many as I thought actually. Oh well.
I still haven't played eroge in such a long time. Remember Angel Magister? I never did finish the review. Nothing has really grabbed my attention lately, only a couple of fandisks. Oh and Cross Days still hasn't been released. Will it ever come out?
There is so much hype over the new Nanoha movie. I will watch it for sure.
OK so I haven't been very active lately, that's true. However I am wondering if I should change blogging platform to FC2, Wordpress or livedoor or something. Simply, the blogger interface is horrible. If you want to put any kind of formatting or anything in your post, you will get more span tags and so on in the HTML code than ever before. Which means that nothing is nested correctly and I have to use Notepad++ to check which span tag matches up where (Syntax Highlighting) and it's too much work. Does anyone have any bloggin platforms to recommend? Wordpress has the feature to import posts from blogger so maybe we don't have to lose everything, which is good. But maybe a fresh start is preferable?
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Finding the Blue,
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[REVIEW] Stray Light by Wintermute feat. 初音ミク

- Artist: Wintermute feat. 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku)
- Title: Stray Light
- Tracks: 16
- Genre: Pop/Rock/Ambient
- Jupiter Pop
- Sleeping in the Red
- Mint Tea
- Postscript
- 秋の空 (Virtual)
- 記憶の錆色
- Song of Pixie
- スニーカ
- Reality
- Fury, Melancholy And Joy
- Mint Tea (Mango Roots mix)
- Postscript (Mango Magic mix)
- スニーカ (Mango Leaf Mix)
- Song of Pixie (Bossa Study)
- 秋の空 (Real)
- Mint Tea (Prototype)
If you like anime and manga such as Ghost in the Shell, Akira and Appleseed then you will certainly love the book and the rest of the trilogy.
I am a big lover of Trance music and other forms of electronic music, so along with the Cyberpunk themes on the album cover I thought this would be an aural depiction of the Neuromancer world with hints of Miku's signature vocals (Which is a very cyberpunk concept I think). The album was incredibly different from my predictions. Let me explain.
Imagine a city of the future. Gone are the dirty glass buildings and smoggy streets as conveyed in many Cyberpunk novels, no more underground trading and black companies. Our world just got intelligent.
In a unique genre I would like to dub as 'Intelligent Rock' Stray Light shows us Wintermute's view of the future; a world of clean-white terminal screens and abstract concepts born entirely of an artificial mind where the software meets the soul. If AI was to produce music it would sound like this; bright, clear riffs with a raw yet perfectly timed beat, giving the album a real 'Advanced Analogue' vibe.
Tracks like Reality, Fury, Melancholy and Joy, Song of Pixie and スニーカ are thought provoking, mind-clearing works of excellence that have helped me through many a coding session and ignited my brain to think of new ways to approach problems.

Stray Light is a Yin and a Yang of luminant, thought-provoking soft rock and a cool flow of ambient beats and melodies with Hatsune Miku providing colourless, crystaline vocals that produce a facade of emotional feelings inaugrated as a result of compliance to thousands of lines of self-composed code dictating all of her synthetic thoughts and curiosities.
All in All, Stray Light is a real masterpiece and I can't wait to hear more of Wintermute's music. There is no doubt in my mind that this will ever truely leave my collection.
You can listen to some tracks from this album plus more of Wintermute's music on his youtube channel:
The Album Stray Light can be purchased here
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Hatsune Miku,
Stray Light,
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Return of Finding the Blue

Basically it's a blog called 'otaku elimination' and FTB was featured on it. Today I was thinking of making a blog comeback and just blog about stuff I'm interested in as well as eroge stuff. I don't want to blog to deadlines, so I will leave the monthly releases to Micchi because he does it much better than me anyway. Anyway, I came today thinking I would make a big return and start blogging for enjoyment and not work but I have been attacked before I started orz
It is embarassing looking at what they said about this place because I think a lot of it is true 。・゜・(/Д`)・゜・。 I need to improve my writing I think. It's easy for me to write good about things I like, but some news I am not interested in at all.
The Otaku Elimination Game is hoping to remove ill-use of 'Otaku' around the internet. I think they are right about some big shops taking over, but I don't know if I agree with the methods. Maybe there is a more peaceful way to go about this target. They spotted the partition in the right sidebar, I have had that for a while now. I want people to support it, but I feel embarassed to tell my full thoughts here.
Somehow I passed the game. Am I a otaku? I suppose it is not my place to say after all that they have said. I don't want to go through to round 2 though. I like visitors to FTB, but I don't like a lot of people watching my every move...
Anyway, from now on I will try to blog about more things, do more reviews. I keep wanting to do music reviews because I feel myself evaluating songs and albums in my head when I am on my own. Should I try reviewing some anime too? Fall season starts soon, maybe I can pick an anime and say what I think about it each week.
I think I will try to avoid figures. Otaku Elimination has shown me a lot of blogs that review figures, so I think to do the same would be a waste of time. I will just preview some of the favorites I see.
From now I think I will have more fun blogging. I tried to be a news blog before, but I think I wasn't up to scratch and I don't have the time either. Now I can blog about anime/manga/eroge/figures/music/tech/games and other things that interest me. I'll get started right now!
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Finding the Blue
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[PREVIEW] Re Angel - A Visual Novel From Thailand

Usually, I don't cover foreign games, but I've been meaning to get around to reviewing a few english language games because I think they're still relevant and I think maybe they are not all bad, it's just unfortunate that many of them seem to be typical 'Hentai' games.
Outside of the blog, a few people have asked me "Are you going to follow Katawa Shoujo?". My simple answer is "No." I don't understand why the protagonist is 荒らし (Internet Troll) and calls the girls 片端 (Katawa). Maybe I don't get it, but I think it could offend many people who visit here so I don't want to attract the wrong attention. Re Angel however, is a different matter.. As always, click 'Read More' to read the entire preview.
Re Angel is a Visual Novel created by a Thai company called StudioGU, who whilst being independant, claim to make their games to a professional quality, and just by looking at the website, you can tell this is no doujin eroge. Whilst being from Thailand, there is a japanese language version of Re Angel, and as long as you know Thai or Japanese you can play it and understand it. But bewhere, it's from Thailand, so this means there will be probably be at least 1 trap somewhere (Chief of Artさん is going to bash me for saying this!).
So far, Re Angel has appeared in magazines and has gotten attention from websites and blogs such as ITMedia and Danny Choo, so I decided it was time to try it out and this is technically Finding the Blue's first coverage of a foreign game, that's a merit of some kind I'm sure. Here's the OP movie; a short glimpse of what you're in for.
The OP song is in Thai and apparently is "just about an angel who came down from the heaven to look for
OP song: Re Angel's Love
Lyrics by: Nike
Sung by: Fen
Recording by: NTK Music Studio
Production managed by Geneve
The lines in the OP are something like:
"[Because] everything has already had [their future] decided" "By the power of one single thing" "Fate" "Re.Angel"
More of the OP Text. Translator notes are in orange.
First character sequence:
"Fa" "Pratt's little sister/imouto"
"Fa don't think it should be like that"
"Eh...(Equivilent of "Hmm...) Fa does understand it though"
"But if brother Pratt (Equivilent to saying Pratt Onii-chan) is satisfied, Fa is also happy with you"
"Heh heh, not to that point (not that much)"
"Fa just said that because Fa was worried"
Second character sequence:
"The selfish Demon"
"Why can't I do that, Ri?" "Don't be so picky, Ri!"
(She ends her sentences with 'Ri')
"[I] understand it now, Ri" "I like it [alot], Ri. Like this, Ri!!"
Third Character Sequence:
"Kanlaya" "Pratt's childhood friend"
"By talking like that, you're asking for trouble?!" "I didn't mean it like that at all" "Really?" "(I'm having a little bit of a problem reading this bit but I beleive it's..) You're not just joking are you?" "What... Did... You.. Say!!!"
Final Character Sequence:
"Misty" (Not Thai name I can assure you, lol) "The mysterious older sister (Could mean family sister or just someone older than you, in this case it seems like the latter)" OP quotes: "My friends call me Misty" "If it bothers you too much then I apologise for it" "Don't see it as something unimportant like that" "Just do whatever you want to do"
Big thanks to Chief-of-artさん for the translation!
Synopsis: "The story begins when Pratt, a young male teenager with a special ability to see the super-natural, finds out that he is in the middle of an argument between "angels" and "demons" in which it seems both sides has set their eyes on him as a target"
"--- An event in the past that has had it effect to the present, a battle that is tied to how we live"
"[Fate] is what controls and dictates what happens in this world"
"Find out about the story that envolves 4 girls"
"Who are involved in this battle"

Overall, for an independant game, Re Angel is not bad at all and the animations make a nice touch, I wish more eroge companies would adopt this a little more as it would really bring the characters to life. I'm not sure if there are Seiyuus planned yet or not, but the demo is voiceless (For Japanese at least) at present.
It makes me wonder, ever since 東方 the quality of games produced by independant or small-scale entities has really gone up a lot, as more and more people have free time they are beginning to spend it on projects like this, I think that soon, doujin games will begin to give commercial companies a lot of competition.
I don't know when Re Angel is to be released but it's worth keeping an eye on it, it is very impressive for what it is and definitley worth downloading the demo if you want to try something new. You can download the demo here.
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Non-Japanese Game,
Re Angel,
Visual Novels
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October - Eroge Release Calendar: Preview of this month's Bishoujo Games

It's October! Finding the Blue is back! Which after a long summer break can only mean one thing: Back to school romances! Unless you're 「Little Princess」 in which case it's still summer. Yeah. Sorry this post is so late. I really hate blogging at this point in time, things are just stressful.
October brings some highly anticipated titles, some new faces, some suprises and the downright strange. I think this will be the big bubble before Christmas, but who knows. Something for the Finding the Blue Christmas Awards might crop up... Click 'Read More' to Read the full post!
Producer: Armonica
Release Date: 23rd October 2009
Synopsis: Kazuki has just entered his new school, and after his induction his teacher says that everybody is under the same wing, meaning that they will be working together to achieve the same goal. Kazuki must choose his "feather partner" to compose a song with for the school festival. Who will he choose?

Mashiroiro Symphony
Producer: Palette
Release Date: 30th October 2009
Synopsis: The protangonist Shingo has been selected to join a girls school as it is joining with his school. Before they combine, shingo is staying at the girl's school. As per usual the girls dislike boys, so it's up to Shingo to change their minds.

There is something really lacking from this game. I love the OP, and the publicity has been great but the characters or plot don't really grab me at all...
Producer: Smee
Release Date: October 23rd 2009
Synopsis: Our protagonist has come back to his hometown only to find that his new school used to be a girl's school, so the ratio of Males to Females is 1:9. However, there are only males in his class. In fact they're all in his class! But never mind, there are girls outside of the classroom...

Hachimitsu Otome Blossomdays
Producer: Lupinus Soft
Release Date: October 23rd 2009
Synopsis: Kyosuke comes back to his hometown after 10 years and meets the two girls he knew 10 years back, living a peaceful school life with two additional girls too. They love him, but how do they say it?

Once again, I don't really think this game is anything special, but it's interesting that it's based more around the girls and their problems as opposed to 'Who will the male lead choose?'. What does interest me is KOTOKO/I'veSound doing the OP. Unfortunately it's not available for preview yet. More on this as it develops.
Producer: Tactics Luxury
Release Date: 30th October 2009
Synopsis: Magical Teacher Ritsu begins teaching at a prestigious magical girls school and saves his female students by shielding them from some strong magic whilst getting hurt in the process. When he wakes up he sees a vampire girl named Shion who claims him as her servant for saving his life with her blood.

Shuffle Essence+
Producer: Navel
Release Date: October 30th 2009
Synopsis: N/A: Follows the original Shuffle plot, give or take a few routes.

Natsuiro Penguin
Producer: LittlePrincess
Release Date: October 30th 2009
Synopsis:Our protagonist's parents have gone away on business, as a result he lives in a small town with his cousins where he used to live. There he meets many childhood friends, and a simple love comedy begins...

Co:mu -Kuroi Ryu to Yasashii Oukoku-
Producer: Akatsuki WORKS
Release Date: October 22nd 2009
Synopsis: There is an urban legend that "Girl A" comes out at night in the city and sings all night. One night Akihito goes out as if attracted by girl A, and finds 4 boys and 4 girls in the same situation as him. They can control a giant metallic monster by combining their powers together. When the monster dies, the group disappears, so they head for another world in search of a mysterious witch.

Okay so the premise is good if a little odd, but I think it'd make a much better anime than an eroge. At least it's a deviation from the typical "Happy School Life!" we've seen so much of.
Osananajimi wa Daitouryou -My Girlfriend is the President-
Producer: ALcot
Release Date: 30th of October 2009
(Copied from a previous post)
The story starts off normally, our protagonist wakes up; his childhood friend Yukino next door is the president and her house is now the Whitehouse. Now I know what you are thinking: "That isn't normal at all!" Oh yes it is, that's nothing compared to how this came about in the first place:
Aliens visited earth in order to start a diplomatic relationship with them, however it was just so unfortunate enough that the spaceship fell out of the sky and crushed all of the ministers (I am not making this up).
So how does the alien fix the problem? Simple: Brainwash all of Japan and put a young girl in charge, oh and because the alien didn't know much about Japan, they implemented a presidential system (Like the US. I blame NASAs signals). So because of this, not only is there the most strangely placed Whitehouse in the world. Our protagonist is running as vice president to help support Yukino...首相? 閣下?

Kiss to Maou to Darjeeling
Producer: Marmalade
Release Date: 30th of October
Synopsis: Keiichi has a big problem. At his school there is a legend about a devil, and this legend just happens to be true. Why? Because Keiichi is the devil, and transforms when he kisses the school council president Sarasa. His friends form a club to eliminate the devil with no idea of his real identity. Can Keiichi live a peaceful life?

Koiiro Soramoyou
Producer: Studio Ryokucha
Release Date: DELAYED! - 26th March 2010 (Thanks Micchi)
Synopsis: Seigo lives a lazy life with his friends at school. He thinks that by getting a girlfriend his life will get better but he is too lazy to take action. One day, his school is threatened with closure. At first he doesn't care, but his friends do. Then he realises he can make many friends and maybe even get a girlfriend if he stops it. And from there starts a new adventure..

Sakura Tale
Producer: Fizz
Release Date: 30th of October 2009
Synopsis: Masumune has started his first day at school, and he is saved from being caught up in a recruiting battle between sports clubs by an attractive girl, despite being initially attracted to her, he also finds himself attracted by another girl who is entirely different. Dark and Light, Yin and Yan. He also meets an old friend at his dormitory, but she has changed completely too. New School, New Friends. A gentle school life starts at a school overlooked by a big cherry tree...

And so that's the calendar. Hidamari Basket got delayed, as did some other stuff. As for Cross Days? That's november...and I thought I submitted stuff late. Well, I'm not a business either, so I don't have much to say.
Why was the calendar so late? Well, after not posting for a while I really lost touch with the blogging and the eroge world. Just as I was set to get back in motion I realised that I was more interested in other projects I was doing, music I was listening to and the latest anime series starting so since then I haven't had much of a passion for eroge.
My interests are almost always centered around anime, manga, eroge and so on, even in indirect ways, so I'm wondering now if I should keep to the theme of eroge-only and have a mediocre blog, or if my posts should follow more of the trends in what I'm doing. I think I may go for the latter.
When I started Finding the Blue, I wanted an eroge news-blog because I thought it was completely original idea and it was something I was interested in, I'm now realising how much of a responsibility it is to keep a blog up to date from a news perspective, not to mention I had never really made a blog before. In the week I posted nothing, 3 backend changes were made to Finding The Blue (Nothing that affects visitors really). I think that shows where my priorities are to an extent.
So now from now on I'm going to treat this place more like a blog for my interests and less like a news site hosted on blogspot. The heart of finding the blue will always be in eroge; just one glance around and you can see that. But it's going to follow other stuff too, deviate slightly, and not be so regimental with its content. Here's to the future!
Posted In
Kiss to Maou,
Koiiro Soramoyou,
My girlfriend is the president,
Natsuiro Penguin,
New This Month,
Sakura Tale,
Shuffle Essence+
Comments (日本語と英語の意見は大歓迎です)