I felt inclined to make another post because I have a few things to mention regarding the site and content. Nothing life changing but still I felt I should mention them anyway.
I've been really busy lately with a few projects of my own but I'm still plugging away at Angel Magister and Stellar Theater, I'll finish them soon and review them here. So don't get the impression they're forgotten about.
I'm thinking of adding a twitter feed to the right of the page for small updates in the eroge world that don't warrant a full blog post to be made. It might be successful, it might not be, but I'll try it out and see how it goes.
Remember the comiket post I made? Well amazon.jp has just stocked up on Lynette Bishop dakimakura covers. Looks like she won't be comiket exclusive!
Do you also remember Lanovee - the visual novel creation software? Well mycom.co.jp has posted their review of it. It's an interesting read but I don't think I will bother with the actual product personally. However I'll give a demo a shot if I can get one.
A preview video for 僕らのカタチ、世界のカタチ has been released. I added it to the August Calendar Post.
New Bishoujo Game company TSUKASA has opened it's website to the public. I tentatively await their first game 『EternalSky-悠久の空の彼方-』 slated for release on the 27th of November (pictured).

I felt inclined to make another post because I have a few things to mention regarding the site and content. Nothing life changing but still I felt I should mention them anyway.
I've been really busy lately with a few projects of my own but I'm still plugging away at Angel Magister and Stellar Theater, I'll finish them soon and review them here. So don't get the impression they're forgotten about.
I'm thinking of adding a twitter feed to the right of the page for small updates in the eroge world that don't warrant a full blog post to be made. It might be successful, it might not be, but I'll try it out and see how it goes.
Remember the comiket post I made? Well amazon.jp has just stocked up on Lynette Bishop dakimakura covers. Looks like she won't be comiket exclusive!
Do you also remember Lanovee - the visual novel creation software? Well mycom.co.jp has posted their review of it. It's an interesting read but I don't think I will bother with the actual product personally. However I'll give a demo a shot if I can get one.
A preview video for 僕らのカタチ、世界のカタチ has been released. I added it to the August Calendar Post.
New Bishoujo Game company TSUKASA has opened it's website to the public. I tentatively await their first game 『EternalSky-悠久の空の彼方-』 slated for release on the 27th of November (pictured).

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